What is Marddy’s Marketplace?

A one-of-a-kind community

Marddy’s Marketplace  is a global online marketplace, where people come together to make, sell, and buy unique food items.

Support independent creators

We make the whole process easy, helping you connect directly with vendors to find something extraordinary.

Quality Products

We make the whole process easy, helping you connect directly with makers to find something extraordinary.



Most frequent questions and answers

Joining and selling your products on Marddy’s is free.

Marddy’s will collect a 12% fee which covers the cost of marketing , advertising , etc.  

It’s easy to open a store on Marddy’s marketplace.  The first step is to apply to be a vendor.  You can apply using the button below.

Once we receive your application,  you will receive an email that includes a checklist of everything you will need to create a store.